Treasure Chest Thursday: Llewellyn’s Bits and Pieces


Treasure Chest Thursday is a Blogging Prompt used by the GeneaBloggers community to help bloggers come up with things to write about their ancestors. 

I’ve always known I am very lucky to have inherited a box of things from my Great-Grandmother Llewellyn. I could probably fill a whole year of Thursdays with posts about the many things that she un-intentionally passed down to me.


This is what it all looked like when I took the things out of the little baggy they were in. The tie clip was hanging loose but the rest were in the little box there. I should tell you my Grandpa Moore was an antiques seller for a long time. That means that every once and awhile you have to think to yourself, “Does this really belong with my family?” It’s entirely possible every bit of this doesn’t belong to my family, or it all could. These were definitely treated differently by him though, which makes me think that they had special meaning.


Tie Clip: I do believe this one belongs. The simple fact is that William Lawrence Moore and Lewis Thorward, his father in law, were both long time Freemasons. I have to learn more about all of that so I understand it better and what it can tell me about them.


Eastern Star pin: I know that Llewellyn and her parents were very committed to the Methodist Church in Caldwell. Llewellyn volunteered there almost her whole life. From teaching Sunday School, organizing socials, and whatever else she could help with. From her and her husband’s grave stone I have evidence that these pieces most likely are theirs. Even though Grandpa Moore’s memory wasn’t quite there, I’m sure that the life long commitment that his parents gave to these organizations helped him hold on to these treasures.


Crosses: Unfortunately this is where my background on the bits and pieces ends. I don’t know the story or the owners of these crosses, but I am keeping them with the other bits because it feels in my gut that these were Llewellyns.


Six pence: This one I am completely clueless on. Maybe Llewellyn or someone in her family traveled to England and kept this as a souvenir?


Other bits: The one on the left looks to be a bracelet that broke. The bird is possibly a brooch?

I may not know a lot about where these bits and pieces come from but I sure do love them as if they were passed down directly from Llewellyn herself.


Llewellyn’s Boxes of Treasures for the bits and pieces

BeFunky: Used to help me create the graphic.

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