Genealogy Do-Over Index


This series of posts are based on the Genealogy Do-Over Workbook by Thomas MacEntee. I highly recommend it. 🙂 I just want to say there are parts of this workbook that I am not posting about, so if you would like the full set of tasks, then visit Thomas’ page or purchase the workbook.

  1. Genealogy Do-Over or Go-Over?
  2. Genealogy Go-Over: Getting Started
  3. Genealogy Go-Over: Setting Guidelines
  4. Genealogy Go-Over: Actually Do-Over
  5. Genealogy Do-Over: Where I’m At
  6. Genealogy Do-Over: More Decisions
  7. Genealogy Do-Over: More Prep Work
  8. Genealogy Do-Over: My Research Toolbox
  9. Genealogy Do-Over: In the Thick of It
  10. Genealogy Do-Over: BSO Alert!
  11. Genealogy Do-Over: Update to my Research Log
  12. Genealogy Do-Over: My Reasons
  13. Genealogy Do-Over: It’s not a Relapse, It’s Prep Work!
  14. Genealogy Do-Over: An Update After Traveling
  15. Genealogy Do-Over: Not Found
  16. Genealogy Do-Over: Plateau