Then and Now: Lincoln Memorial

Last month we entertained family from Ohio. For the first time in many years we finally went into D.C. and enjoyed the sites/sights, both words work. 🙂

L. Lincoln Memorial being built in 1916.  R. Lincoln Memorial as it stands today, 2010.

The image on the left is from the National Archives. There are no known restrictions on the photo, so I went ahead and posted it. If I’m violating something, just let me know. The image on the right is my own. As are the ones I’m posting down below.

P.S. To those lovely British ladies who I accidentally pointed in the wrong direction, I am so sorry that I did not know the correct direction to The White House. I hadn’t been to D.C. since an elementary school field trip and I didn’t have a map. To be fair though, at least I could tell you that other beautiful building was the Capitol and not the White House, and I was able to tell you that Congress meets there. I’m not a complete waste of an education. It was a long day. :p

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