SNGF: Genealogy Database Statistics

It’s Saturday night and time for another round of Saturday Genealogy Night Fun from Randy Seaver! This week Randy tells us to go into our genealogy management program and share some statistics! This means how many people, places, sources, and more!

Since I’m starting a Genealogy Do-Over, I will show both my old file and my new one. There should be a drastic difference here!

Old Family File

In my old family file here are the basic statistics:

  • Number of Individuals: 3957
  • Number of Families: 1170
  • Unique Surnames: 788
  • Master Locations: 821
  • Master Sources: 404
  • Citations: 23,955
  • Events: 7619

Time for the new one!

New, Clean Family File

  • Number of Individuals: 66
  • Number of Families: 25
  • Unique Surnames: 25
  • Master Locations: 38
  • Master Sources: 19
  • Citations: 189
  • Events: 11

Definitely a difference there! I haven’t even finished adding in my first cousins and their children into the new file yet!

If you’d like to participate, head over to Randy’s blog and get the instructions. 🙂

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